Dr. Olajide is an Ibadan based Naturopathic Physician. In this interview with ametrocopy, he talks on a new mobile application that can diagnose and treat most ailments.
Tell us more about this application…the name and how you came about it.
I discovered it about a few weeks ago when a friend of mine called me from Ghana, and he told me about the application. He said, “Could you believe that something could be done in this time and age about the radiation on your phone that is sucking your energy and making you get weaker in the form of magnetic radiation? Can you believe that you could download an app on your phone that would take care of all those things? …Not only that, it will even treat you of every condition.” You can treat yourself of almost every condition ranging from Arthritis, Low back pain, Waist pain, Lumbago, lack of focus, lack of concentration.
Give us a little background of this application
This application hails from Utah in the United States of America, where several other products come from, and I see that they are very vast in technology. Well, what I can say about this is that it is an energy-based technology. They use what you call quantum –magnetic resonance energy –in developing this application. I found it difficult initially to believe or to think it could ever work until I administered it on myself first. Then, I had some cough, and I didn’t want to go on any drug because I decided not to, so I tried the application.
What is the acceptance like in the United States?
You know this is a technology thing and you cannot run away from it. You cannot fight what you don’t even know. In fact, this is far advanced beyond the knowledge of normal medical practice. This is not known to medicine. It is now that awareness is just coming up. And, I need to be frank with you. It’s been doing wonders and the acceptance is great.

So you were telling us about some of the operations of the app. There is something called ‘Hers Info Boost’, what does this do to women?
Well, this is funny. How can I use my application for my wife, so that she can quickly respond to me sexually? You see, ‘His’ is also there for men. How can you say you are using your phone, and you can perform beyond what you do? How can you say that by having your phone around you, you are free from allergies? How can you say that because you are using your phone, the inflammation…maybe prostate enlargement and the rest or any kind of growth or tumor starts vanishing? How can you comprehend it?
There are even testimonies on the website and many more. Even people that are having issues with insomnia i.e. sleep disorder, or people that are experiencing weakness i.e. low energy need to go on this application. Just have it on your phone and give your own testimony.
Does it mend broken bones? There was a testimony I read about someone who had a dislocation.
What it actually does is that, when you have a fracture, because of the acute inflammation there, it tends to swell. So instead of allowing that, it keeps it at bay, and it made sure it fixes it until it heals up.
Now, how can one get this application, and what are the financial implications? You will also tell us how people can make money with this application. First, how can one get this application, and how much does it cost?
Just click on http//molajide.limbicarc.com we’ll guide you. It costs only a hundred dollars per month. Once, you use your hundred dollars to subscribe, you have access to all those things. Whatever you need out of it, you use it.
How do you make money through referrals?
Well, that is the funniest aspect. I was treating myself, all of a sudden I registered my wife, only to see that they paid me fifty dollars, from the hundred dollars that I used to activate my wife. You know, it is beyond comprehension. So, I now said that if that is the case, I have a lot of people to refer. Let me keep telling my people. Not really because of the money, anyway, but because of the health benefits. That instead of this thing giving you radiations that can cause cancer, brain tumor and other things, now I can take advantage of it and use it to treat myself.
How long has this application been in existence?
It has been in existence for about five years.
Are there side effects known already?
You know, even medically, anything you do not use topically can have side effects. Even on this, there is nothing called side effects, because everything will be delivered to your body electronically.
So, when I download this app for a subscription fee of a hundred dollars per month, and I refer someone, I automatically get fifty dollars for each person I refer?
Yes, immediately. If you refer twenty, for example, you make at least one thousand dollars.
If you refer twenty, for example, you make at least one thousand dollars.
What now happens? Is it like normal networking? When the people on my chain refer other people, do I get anything?
So if I refer Mr X, and Mr X goes on to refer Y and Z, will I also earn something?
You earn on all of them, down the line, but not with fifty dollars which is for direct referrals. However, you too make your earnings, infinitely.
Is it just a one-off payment?
It’s not one-off. So far you keep working, so far you keep referring people or the people you refer keep referring their own, you keep earning, and they keep earning.
Is it a one-off for every person referred?
So long as the person keeps subscribing, you get something from the person’s subscription for life.
What is the level of acceptance for this app in Nigeria as we speak?
Well, as I said, we just started. We just got to know about it barely a week ago, and as I am talking now, we have close to twelve people already. In fact, as I am talking to you, we had a lecture where we had our national council of physicians. More than fifty people are willing to do now because we demonstrated how phone radiation is sucking our energy. A doctor friend from UCH who is a family physician also came around to have the program with us. We used somebody else to demonstrate for him. He couldn’t believe it. He said it’s not true. So, we had to call him out. Then, by the time he did not hold his phone, we asked him to do something, we pressed it, he was very strong. The moment he took his phone and put it in his pocket, we did the same thing and he fell. He said, “now I can believe”.
In closing, once I have this application on my phone, I can diagnose and treat myself of basically any ailment?
Well, you know, one thing I will say, one thing I’m very sure of is that they place on their system ranging from allergy, anti-aging, for you to get calm, digestion problem, energy problem, focus problem, Hers and His i.e. for man and woman, immune system inflammation, multi nutrition, pain relief, pain of any region, sleep disorder, strength and more, stress relief, vision –I don’t care what is wrong with your eyes, weight management, give it, you get it.